Principal Investigator

Prof. Kristofer S. J. Pister
Kristofer Pister is a professor in the UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences department. He is faculty director of the Marvell Nanofabrication Laboratory, co-director of the Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center, and co-director of the Ubiquitous Swarm Lab. He received a BS in applied physics from UC San Diego in 1986 and MS and PhD degrees in EECS from UC Berkeley in 1989 and 1992, then taught in the UCLA electrical engineering department until joining the Berkeley faculty in 1996. His accomplishments include the development of Smart Dust—sub-millimeter wireless sensor network nodes—and he has since worked toward fully autonomous microsystems.
[] [512 Cory Hall] [EECS faculty listing] [personal website]
PhD Students

Lydia Lee
Develops sensor systems and computational hardware for autonomous microrobots.

Nathan Lambert
Nathan is a PhD candidate working at the intersection of robotics, control, and reinforcement learning to enable autonomous micro-agents. He is interested broadly in embodied AI, robot learning, swarm-scale multi-agent systems, and much more.

Alex Moreno
Integrates electrical systems for autonomous microrobots.

Dillon Acker-James
I’m applying my device physics background from the Mishra Lab at UC Santa Barbara to MEMS in the BAMLAB. I hope to move into industry after graduating with my PhD.

Daniel Teal
Builds robots; works toward better and automated micro and nanomanufacturing.

Alexander Alvara
Interested in nanoscale science and microsystems for space exploration, deep-sea exploration, and communication, as well as search and rescue. Received three bachelor’s degrees in materials science, mechanical engineering, and aerospace engineering from the University of California, Irvine.
Masters Students

Titan Yuan
Characterizes and develops for SCμM.

Jackson Paddock
Characterizes and develops for SCμM.
Undergraduate Students

Austin Patel
Currently reducing energy consumption of solar powered SCμM chips to transmit and receive wireless packets for use in small IoT and sensing applications. Interested in small scale robotics and control systems.
(We try to keep this complete but may be missing people. Contact us to fix this!)
Previous Graduate Students
- Hani Gomez (PhD 2020)
- Craig Schindler (PhD 2020)
- Brian Kilberg (PhD 2020)
- Filip Maksimovic (PhD 2018) with Ali Niknejad
- Bradley Wheeler (PhD 2019)
- David Burnett (PhD 2019)
- Daniel Drew (PhD 2018)
- Dan Contreras (PhD 2018)
- Joseph Greenspun (PhD 2018)
- Travis Massey (PhD 2018) with Michel Maharbiz
- Mike Lorek (PhD 2015)
- Fabien Chraim (PhD 2014)
- Branko Kerkez(PhD 2012) with Steve Glaser
- Ankur Mehta (PhD 2012)
- Andrew Tinka (PhD 2012) with Alex Bayen
- Richard Yu-Kuwan Su (PhD 2011)
- Subramaniam Venkatraman (PhD 2010) with Jose Carmena
- Steven Lanzisera (PhD 2009)
- Sarah Bergbreiter (PhD 2007)
- Al Molnar (PhD 2007) with Frank Werblin
- Frank Zendejas (PhD 2007) with Roger Howe
- Ben Cook (PhD 2006)
- Matt Last (PhD 2005)
- Jason Clark (PhD 2005) with Jim Demmel and Sanjay Govindjee
- Brian Leibowitz (PhD 2004) with Bernhard Boser
- Lixia Zhou (PhD 2004) with Joe Kahn
- Lance Doherty (PhD 2004)
- Brett Warneke (PhD 2003)
- Seth Hollar (PhD 2003) with Al Pisano
- Jason Hill (PhD 2003) with David Culler
- Colby Bellew (PhD 2002) with Al Pisano
- NingNing Zhou (PhD 2002) with Alice Agogino
- Richard Yeh (PhD 2001)
- Roger Lo (PhD 2000, UCLA)
- Zeke Kruglick (PhD 1999)
- Patrick Chu (Ph.D. 1997, UCLA)
- Gisela Lin (PhD. 1997, UCLA)
- Sahar Mesri (MS 2016)
- Leticia Ibarra (MS 2015)
- Travis Massey (MS 2012)
- Vincent Lee (MS 2012)
- Ameer Ellaboudy (MS 2012)
- Sam Zats (MS 2010)
- David Zats (MS 2009)
- George Shaw (MS 2008)
- Subramaniam Venkatraman (MS 2006)
- Jonathan Choy (MS 2003)
- Mike Scott (MS 2002)
- Bill Lindsay (MS 2001)
- Bryan Atwood (MS. 2001)
- Dana Teasdale (MS. 2000)
- James McLurkin (MS. 1999)
- Floy Chang (MS UCLA 1995)
- Bev Eyre (MS UCLA 1996)
- Hee Jung Lee (MS UCLA 1996)
- Devi Gunawan (MS UCLA 1994)
- Dharmesh Jani (MS UCLA 1995)
- Scott Quakelaar (MS UCLA 1995)
Previous Postdoctoral Researchers
- Anju Toor (Postdoc 2022)
- Wei Li (Postdoc 2019)
- Thomas Watteyne (Postdoc 2009-2010)
Previous Undergraduate Researchers
- Ahad Rauf (2019-2020)
- Andrew Fearing