In the past, we've ordered custom SOI wafers 25 at a time from Silicon Valley Microelectronics ( with the following specifications:
Device Layer: Diameter: 150mm ±0.5mm Thickness: 40um ±1um Type/Dopant: P/Boron Device Resistivity: 15-25 ohm-cm Crystal Orientation: <100> ±0.5 degree Front Side Finish: Polished Primary Flat Orientation: <110> ± 1 degree BOX: Thickness: 2um ±0.1um Handle Layer: Resistivity: 15-25 ohm-cm Thickness: 550 ± 15um Back Surface: Etched (or Polished) with oxide Crystal Orientation: <100> ±5 degree or better Primary Flat Orientation: <110> ± 5 degree or better Back side finish: no oxide