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ptherm [2021/02/07 19:41]
ptherm [2021/02/10 00:17] (current)
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 [[|NanoLab ptherm manual]] [[|NanoLab ptherm manual]]
-ptherm is a multi-purpose plasma etcher. It's the NanoLab's etcher of last resort with no contamination restrictions. We often use it to etch photoresist off devices with gold because gold is not allowed in most (all?of the other plasma etchers.+ptherm is a multi-purpose plasma etcher. It's the NanoLab's etcher of last resort with virtually no contamination restrictions. We often use it to etch photoresist off devices with gold because gold is not allowed in most of the other plasma etchers (gold is allowed in yes-g500, but that tool generally etches very slowly).
 +{{ptherm.jpg?0x200 |picture of ptherm tool}}
 +===== Process Notes =====
 +^ Date ^ Person ^ Data ^
 +| 19 Jan 2021 | Daniel | A 5min O2 300W etch appears sufficient to remove 2um UV-hardbaked MiR701 photoresist after a 40um DRIE silicon etch (e.g., for the SOI frontside etch). |
 +| 19 Jan 2021 | Daniel | For a silicon wafer with patterned gold and photoresist on top, the plasma appears to be pale blue while O2 etching photoresist, then pale green once the photoresist is completely removed. |
ptherm.1612755719.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/02/07 19:41 by dteal