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cha [Berkeley Autonomous Microsystems Lab]

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cha [2021/02/09 23:51]
cha [2021/11/21 17:36] (current)
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 [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RAwxAD7kOLh9HgNd_HICKrMTNw4xvVO0Y-zNleuDcHE/edit?usp=sharing|NanoLab cha manual]] [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RAwxAD7kOLh9HgNd_HICKrMTNw4xvVO0Y-zNleuDcHE/edit?usp=sharing|NanoLab cha manual]]
-cha is a multi-material e-beam evaporator. It holds three wafers at once in a rotating planetary mount. We often use it to deposit chromium and gold.+cha is a multi-material e-beam evaporator. It holds three wafers (or chips) at once in a rotating planetary mount. We often use it to deposit chromium and gold. This is the standard evaporator for the NanoLab. A good backup is ebeam1, which has extremely similar capabilities (save cha's fancy but optional automatic deposition rate controller).
 {{cha.jpg?0x200 |picture of cha tool}} {{cha.jpg?0x200 |picture of cha tool}}
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 ^ Date ^ Person ^ Data ^ ^ Date ^ Person ^ Data ^
-14 Jan 2021 | Daniel | Cr evaporates at about 25mA (45% MID beam power). Au evaporates at about 85mA (65% MID beam power). |+22 Oct 2020 | Daniel | Tool power supply is replaced and is more powerful; processes should be recalibrated. | 
 +| 21 May 2021 | Daniel | Cr evaporates at about 25mA (45% LOW beam power). Au evaporates at about 40mA (60% LOW beam power). | 
 +| 12 Jul 2021 | Daniel | Ti evaporates at about 65mA (36% MID beam power). Pt evaporates at about 170mA (51% MID beam power). Both are extremely bright and heat the wafer significantly. | 
 +| 12 Jul 2021 | Daniel | 11nm Ti + 70nm Pt on standard 2um MiR701 makes photoresist start to flake/reticulate; more causes cracking. Liftoff works but barely. |
cha.1612943506.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/09 23:51 by dteal