About the Group
About the Group
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This page is an overview of microfabrication techniques used to make microrobots. It should act as a cheat sheet, listing equations, materials data, etch rates, etc., but can often link to specific nanolab tool pages.
Masks vs direct write. Limits on resolution. Rules of thumb. Use gcaws6, mla150 in nanolab.
Anisotropic deposition. Low temperature. Adhesion layers. Use cha in nanolab.
Fundamental step. Spin vs. spray. Spin speed / thickness dependence. Types of photoresist (SU-8 microfluidics). picotrack in nanolab.
Anisotropic etch. Silicon vs. other materials. Etch rates. Undercut. Annealing tricks.
Gold contaminates. Ruthenium oxide is conductive.
For people who haven't taken a MEMS or microfabrication course and/or are new to the group.